Frequently Asked Questions
- FAQ's Photo Scanning Service
- FAQ's Slide Scanning Service
- Negative Scanning Frequently Asked Questions
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Q. What format are my negatives scanned at?
All scanned negatives are in a 24-bit JPEG format.
Q. What resolutions do you scan at?
We offer two different resolutions. Our standard service is 2,000 DPI, which is equivalent to a 6 megapixel file. We also offer 4,000 DPI scans, the equivalent of a 16 megapixel file, at a higher rate.
Q. How large of a print can I make from the scanned images?
We recommend up to an 8"x10" print from 2,000 DPI scans, however you can go larger, just be aware there may be some pixelization when printed larger. 4,000 DPI scans can produce clear 20"x30" poster sized prints.
Q. Can you scan single cut 35mm negatives?
No, unfortunately our equipment requires negative strips to contain at least 2 frames, preferably 3.
Q. Are my negatives returned to me?
Yes, we return all your negatives to you along with the DVD data disc with your scanned images.
Slide Scanning
Q. Can you scan 126mm or 110 negatives?
No, we only offer 35mm scanning.
Q. Where are my negatives scanned?
All orders negative scanning orders are processed at our Irvine, CA headquarters, founded in 1990. At no point do your negatives get shipped out of the country or to any other company for scanning.
Q. What is the best way to clean negatives?
While Digital ICE does help remove unwanted dust and scratches, it is only designed to remove a moderate amout. If your slides are very dirty or dusty, it is in your best interest to clean them prior to sending them in to be scanned. Here are some recommended tips:
- Purchase a soft, anti-static cleaning cloth. Microfiber cloths, like those used for cleaning lenses, work the best.
- Gently wipe the film negative from one side to the other. Watch for abrasive material, like sand, which should be gently blown off the negative before wiping with the dust cloth. For slides, remove the film from its plastic or cardboard casing before wiping to avoid just brushing dust to the edges of the slide.
- FOR ADVANCED USERS: Find an alcohol-based film cleaner and compressed photographic gas at a photography store or online. The film cleaner should have a neutral pH and not contain any water. Cotton pads can be purchased at any drugstore. Pour the film cleaner on a cotton pad and spread it on the negative. A light touch and a steady hand will help preserve your film and prevent scratching. Use the compressed gas to blow off cotton fibers and dry the film cleaner. The negative should now be free from non-water-based stains.
Q. What are your limits of liability?
Before ordering any of our products or services, you must first agree to read and agree to our terms, including the limit of liability and copyright agreement. You can read our limit of liability here along with the copyright agreement.
Q. My question is not answered here. Where can I obtain more information?
You may use our Live Support (banner above our service menu to the left) to instant message with an online support technician, call us at 949-474-7654 during normal business hours or email us at