How to get digital copies from photos, slides, and movies

Our social media department and customer support mavens at ScanMyPhotos share the top questions we get: How to digitize very large quantities of photographs, 35mm slides, and home movie film?

If you’ve got decades’ worth of analog snapshots tucked away, it might seem daunting to digitize them all. Many people miss old-school photo snapshots, film negatives, home movies, and 35mm slides, few are migrated to smartphone camera rolls. But these items can be converted—here are some smart tips for doing so!

See below for answers to the most common questions we receive about converting an entire family’s worth of photo media memories into digital files.  

How to get digital copies from photos, slides, and movies


ScanMyPhotos provides a photo scanning service that converts analog media into high-quality digital images ready to share and safeguard.  

New Ways to digitize photos. How to digitize 35mm slide carousels


Scanning pictures has never been more accessible. These handy tips help provide ideas for converting all those precious memories onto digital copies. ScanMyPhotos is the best way to digitize pictures. Whether you’re scanning film, 35mm slides, or just old-school photos, we’ll take care of your entire collection for you.

How to get digital copies from photos, slides, and movies



Discover your family history with ScanMyPhotos. Scan, Save, Share, and Enjoy!

Best way to digitize photos


Ten ways to clean 35mm slides