When selecting a service to preserve one of your most precious possessions – photos of important memories and family history – do your research. Earlier this year, TOP TEN REVIEWS took on the challenge for you. As explained in the review:
[TOP TEN REVIEWS] knows that handing your treasured family memories over to someone else can be tough, especially if you don’t know who you can trust among the dozens of photo scanning services that pop up when you start your search.
Our team of insatiably curious and infallibly
helpful digital service evaluators performed over 20 hours of research into several photo scanning services. Our goal was to find only the best, most reliable options for digitizing your photos, slides, and negatives to make it as easy as possible for you to choose between them to find the right fit. We judged these services as carefully as we would have if we were going to use them for our own photos or recommend their services to our favorite aunts.
TOP TEN REVIEWS “spent over 20 hours sorting through the dozens of photo scanning services” to determine the best option for preserving, chronicling and organizing your prints, slides, and negatives into digital files without damaging the originals. Scan My Photos took the prize for best turnaround time. The results of their evaluation reads:

You can even set up an in-person appointment at to their Irvine, California, scanning facility – if you’re local. ScanMyPhotos’ super speed does come with a few inconveniences, however. You have to invest some time cleaning and organizing your photos before sending them, as the company has pretty strict rules regarding what it will and won’t scan.
- Fastest service with one-day scan option
- Bulk scanning available
- Offers restoration and video conversion services
- Different types of media must be scanned in separate orders
- Minimum fees for pay per scan option
- Strict sending and packaging guidelines
At ScanMyPhotos, we appreciate a fair, balanced review and hope it helps you choose our service for your next photo project.