If you are a fan of “This Is Us,” the season two premiere of NBC’s hit series’ heartbreaking episode — as the patriarchal character Jack Pearson rushed back to save family nostalgia — it was also another wake-up call. Always be prepared and safeguard your lifetime of family photos.
Why NBC’s “This Is Us’ hit TV show is an urgent reminder to scan your photos
One outcome of the program was we experienced more new photo scanning order at ScanMyPhotos.com than ever before. The TV show was a powerful call to action to be prepared and digitize family photo memorabilia.
As Time Magazine just reported, “don’t go back into a burning house for anything.” Think of your irreplaceable possessions and the one billion family photos destroyed last year from the Texas flooding and California wildfires. Today, The New York Times also reported on how to preserve your family memories and explained why to scan your photos. Another story we recommend is this “How to Prepare Your Community for a Disaster,” as a helpful primer with smart tips to be prepared. Accuweather’s Ashley Williams also shared this evacuation checklist: “How to get your family out safely in the face of an imminent disaster.”
We received this email from a past client with a story that was both heartbreaking and an uplifting preparedness tip. Fortunately, these pictures were spared from a devastating, total-loss house fire because the customers’ pictures were digitized and saved off-site years prior.
If you have already had your pictures digitally preserved, please join us and share this message to remind others to be prepared, have a plan, and finally take on this project. Our passion is to protect the 3 1/2 trillion still-analog photos, and no project is more important than yours.
Our elite concierge team of photo scanning experts is here to provide added TLC.
Editor’s note: Disclaimer. NBC and “This Is Us” are registered trademarks and in no way afflated with this public affairs news item, or in any way associated with ScanMyPhotos.