Heightened Security Announced by #CES2016

The Below was announced by The International Consumer Electronics Show. Since 1990, ScanMyPhotos.com has been involved and attended the world’s largest consumer trade show in the world each January in Las Vegas.



New procedures include bag checks, body screening and increased security personnel

Due to recent global tragedies we have new security procedures for CES. This includes bag restrictions as well as additional security measures that you will need to know before coming to CES.

We want you to have a safe CES experience. We are implementing these enhanced measures with the goal of maintaining the safety of all of our guests – attendees, exhibitors, members of the media – and show personnel while creating as little inconvenience as possible. Please review the following new measures:

New Rules for CES 2016

  • Luggage may not be brought into official CES exhibit and conference areas. This means no suitcases at the venues.
  • Sorry, no rolling bags of any size. This includes luggage, carry-ons, laptop and computer bags and rolling luggage carts.
  • Only two bags, each smaller than 12” x 17” x 6” (30 cm x 43 cm x 15 cm), may be brought into official show premises. CES exhibitorsand credentialed members of the press may receive specific exceptions.
  • Bags will be searched. We suggest you use clear bags (mesh, plastic, vinyl, etc.) to expedite this process.
  • Bags and backpacks with many pockets are not helpful. Pockets slow search times.



What to Expect On-Site

  • Bags will be searched. We suggest you use clear bags (mesh, plastic, vinyl, etc.) to expedite this process.
  • Everyone will be subject to metal detector screening and body pat downs upon entering show premises. CTA will conduct searches at specific points to ensure quick and easy access to exhibit halls and reduce the number of times you have to go through security.
  • Bag check availability at show venues will be extremely limited. Please keep this in mind if you are bringing your luggage to the show. Please allow extra time for checking and retrieving your luggage.
  • Expect more security and law enforcement personnel both inside and outside of show properties.
  • As precautionary measures only, you will see police officers in armored gear and explosive detection dogs throughout various CES facilities.
  • While we will be as sensitive to lines and inconvenience as possible, you can expect delays entering show facilities.



Helpful Tips

  • Avoid bulky clothing.
  • Leave bags and luggage at your hotel.
  • Limit bags you carry to two and make sure they fit size requirements.
  • Use clear, vinyl or mesh bags to expedite bag search process.
  • All attendees must have an official CES badge and government-issued photo ID before entering CES show venues. Keep both close by as you enter official show venues.
  • Pre-registering on-line and picking up your badge at the airport or hotel is strongly encouraged. A list of badge pickup locations can be found here. 
  • Build time into your schedule for screening delays.
  • Plan ahead to avoid continuously changing venues. Use the official CES App to help you navigate the show.
  • Do not bring luggage to show venue your last day in Las Vegas.
  • If you see something suspicious, please use the emergency contact numbers below.



Emergency Contacts

Below is a list of the emergency contacts for the various show venues:

  • ARIA: 702-590-7175 or dial “77175” in hotel
  • LVCC: 702-892-7400 or dial 7400 if in the LVCC
  • Mandalay Bay: 702-632-7911 or dial “0” in hotel
  • Renaissance: 702-784-5700 or dial “0” in hotel
  • Sands: 702-733-5195 or dial 75195 if in the Sands
  • Venetian: 702-414-9311 or dial 49311 in hotel
  • Westgate: 702-732-5414 or dial “0” in hotel



Members of the Media

Media attending CES will be subject to the same security and safety restrictions and procedures as general show attendees with some allowances. Click here for media security guidelines.




Exhibitor staff attending CES will be subject to the same security and safety restrictions and procedures as general show attendees with some allowances.  Click here for exhibitor security guidelines.


We are monitoring global events and will continue to adjust our security plans accordingly so please check back here for updates.



There are no known credible threats against CES 2016. We remain in close consultation with the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and local law enforcement officials. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with these security measures. Should you have specific questions, please contact us at CESops@CE.org


Source: CES