300 Million Photos Scanned Milestone

photo-montageWe hit a big milestone this year, and we literally could not have done it without you, our wonderful family of customers.In 2015, ScanMyPhotos digitized our 300 millionth photo – WOW!


Your rave reviews and enthusiasm for sharing our work with your friends and family are the reason we have grown by leaps and bounds – and all without advertising. That’s right – we do no advertised our services. So, thank YOU for everything – you are truly the best.



Take 50% off your next photo scanning order when you spend $300+, click to order, get promo code, and the details/fine print.* CLICK TO ORDER







We also learned something interesting about you this year: each of you has an amazing story to share.


Vintage grammar school photo






One customer has a photo of her grandparents – from grammar school where they met. And she can trace her family back to the Mayflower.



ScanMyPhoto client with her mother

Another customer discovered a letter from her mother among the photos we had sent back to her after scanning them. Her mother, who had recently passed away, wrote the letter thirteen years earlier – and our customer found it on her 40th birthday.



When the matriarch of a family was dying, we uploaded the family’s entire collection of slides to an FTP site so she – and her family – could quickly access and enjoy them one last time together. She passed away two days later.

If you have a story you’d like to share, please email us at info@scanmyphotos.com.

Again many thanks, and our best wishes for a very happy and healthy new year!

The entire ScanMyPhotos team

egift-bannerPS – Stuck on buying a gift for someone on your list? Don’t forget that you can buy them the gift of memories with a ScanMyPhotos gift certificate! CLICK TO ORDER