One of ScanMyPhotos’ current customers, Helen of South Florida, is a camera bug. “I have taken pictures of my children and grandchildren since day one,” she told me. “I have books and books of photographs, and I know they are starting to fade, and I’m losing memories. We’re Italian, and we love family. When you love family, you want to keep those memories and pass them down to new generations. It’s a legacy.”
During a story-filled phone interview, Helen kept adding to the list of what she loves about ScanMyPhotos. Here are her top 5 reasons:
Photos are scanned in-house
“A photographer referred me to one photo-scanning company, and then I found out they would send my photos on a freighter across the ocean [to have them scanned]. There was no way I was going to do that! When I found out my photos would not get sent overseas by ScanMyPhotos, I was so happy.”
Customer service goes above and beyond
“When I got my first batch of photos back, 55 pictures had a small mistake. I think it was Shannon I spoke to, and she just bent over backwards for me. She said, ‘Just send them back and we’ll give you an extra thousand pictures to be scanned for free.’ I thought, are you kidding me?!
“This company is a quality company. They made a small mistake, and they’re losing money with my job. I know if anything is wrong, they’ll take care of me. When I call, if I have a question, they are right there. I am a forever customer.”
No detail is ever too small
“Having the option to keep all of my photos in order is huge – a lot of people don’t do that. When I sent that batch of 1,000 photos to scan for free, they sent them back in order, and I didn’t ask them too.”
Scanned images are really high quality
“My sister has an at-home scanner, and the quality of the images she scans is just not as good. ScanMyPhoto’s scans are much better, and what they send back is so easy to edit. That’s important to me, because I edit photos to create photo books for my family.”
Photos are handled with care
“They are really careful with your photos. They have scanned 4,000 photos for me, and I do all the extras – the soap washing, putting it on a jump drive, and getting 600 dpis. And I am about to send them another 5,000. I am the guinea pig for the family, testing out the service with my photos first.”
When Helen mentioned that she made photo books for her granddaughters last year, she remembered one more funny story that she just had to share – and it just goes to show how powerful photos are:
“My girls call us Pop-Pop and MeMa, and we are very Catholic, very religious. When the girls got their books on Christmas, they thought it was a book about saints or something. But when they opened the gifts, the other gifts under the tree were just nonexistent. They were so excited about the books that they took them to school! Their dad emailed me months later to say, ‘I am enjoying the books now.’”
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