"Making a Photo Book With Scanned Images" (via J. D. Biersdorfer New York Times)

ScanMyPhotos.com is mentioned in The New York Times Personal Tech column. Click here to read article.


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Q. I would like to make a photo book, but instead of using images from my digital camera, I’d like to scan in old family pictures on my printer-scanner. What’s the best way to do this?

A. …If you cannot find the information, setting your scanner’s software to capture the images at a resolution of 300 dots/pixels per inch should ensure your final images are high quality; the 300 d.p.i. setting is often used for image files by printed magazines. Some people prefer to have a company, like ScanMyPhotos.com, scan the photos for them.

ScanMyPhotos.com also provides super affordable, easy and DIY photo albums that you can preview online free prior to ordering. Click here to order