How Are You Celebrating the Apollo Mission’s 40th Anniversary?

What are you doing to celebrate and remember as NASA and the world marks the Apollo mission’s 40th anniversary of the first moon landing on July 20th? One idea is to look back and share your family’s pictures from 1969 and beyond.

There have been so many giant-leap technological changes since America explored the Moon. But, one memory has remained analog in today’s all-digital world – your generations of snapshots. We landed on the Moon, and now it is time to celebrate and rediscover your memories. is engaging everyone to mark this anniversary by preserving generations of family photo memories from the 1960s and all the other indelible decades of memories tucked away in those shoeboxes.

To step back in time, visit this official NASA Apollo 40th anniversary Web site: It provides easy access to various NASA resources and multimedia about the Apollo story, the program, and the history of human spaceflight, including a gallery of images from the Apollo program. The Apollo site is online at:


[photo credit: NASA]