"Everyday photos are gifts that capture a lifetime of memories" (via The Anniston Star)

From an article by Brett Buckner, staff writer at the Alabama Anniston Star newspaper, comes a very comprehensive article about the importance and emotional value of sharing family photographs. The deepening national economic chasm is causing many to reduce their holiday purchases, but pictures are too important to overlook for “capturing a lifetime of memories.”


I was just sick of always guessing,” says the perky 72-year-old grandmother. “I wanted to give a present that actually meant something, not one that would get unwrapped and then forgotten with everything else.”

To find her inspiration, Ross needed only to go home. With a new grandbaby born in October, she pulled out the countless pictures her daughter, who lives in Thomasville, Ga., sent her. She dumped out on the coffee table and started rummaging around for her favorite shots.

Ross spent the next few days whittling down her collection to a few dozen. Staring at those pictures, a plan was born. She would create a scrapbook that captured every moment of baby Jacob’s life— from birth to his first bath — and that would be her daughter’s gift.

And with the economy in its ever-deepening downturn, more and more people are seeking affordable gift options such as family photos.